How do I place a notice or announcement on my WordPress site?

Install Foobar | Create an announcement | Remove an announcement


We recommend using Notification Bar, Announcement and Cookie Notice WordPress Plugin – FooBar by FooPlugins.


Install FooBar

  1. Log in to your website.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for FooBar.
  4. The top result should be Notification Bar, Announcement and Cookie Notice WordPress… Click Install Now and once the plugin has finished installing, click Activate.


Create an announcement

Let’s use the example of notifying visitor’s that you currently have a store-wide sale – See our article for setting up a store-wide discount in WooCommerce.

  1. Go to FooBar > Notifications.
  2. Click Add Notification.
  3. Enter a title for the notification e.g. Store-wide sale.
  4. Click the Announcement tile.
  5. Under Notification Settings, click Content then enter your announcement in the Text field. For example: 20% discount store-wide until December 31 – Shop now and save BIG!
  6. Click Appearance and select the desired colour for your notice.
  7. Click Visibility and select Always.
  8. Click Publish.
  9. Your announcement will now be shown on all pages and posts.


Remove an announcement

A shortcoming of this plugin is that even when trashed, notifications will still show on your site.

Because of this quirk, you need to set the visibility for a notification to “never” before you delete it.

  1. Go to FooBar > Notifications.
  2. Click the notification you wish to turn off.
  3. Click Visibility.
  4. Select Never and click Update.

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