I want to track website data, how do I create a new Google Cloud Platform project and get the API keys?
Create a new project | Create an API for a new project | Copy an existing API
Create a new Google Cloud Project
- Navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com/
- If you are presented with the Welcome screen you will need to agree to the Terms of Service to contine.
- In the ribbon at the top of the screen, click Select a project or the name of the existing project.
- Enter a Project name e.g. Type Analytics.
- Leave the Location set to No organization.
- Click Create.
Create an API for a new project
- Navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com/
- Ensure you have the desired project selected using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
- In the left-hand nav, click API’s & Services and select Library.
- Search for PageSpeed Insights API.
- Click PageSpeed Insights API in the search results.
- Click Enable.
- Repeat steps 3 to 6 for: Safe Browsing API (Legacy) and Safe Browsing API.
- In the left-hand nav, click API’s & Services and select Credentials.
- Click Configure Consent Screen.
- Select External and click Create.
- Enter an App name e.g. TypeAnalytics.
- Select your contact email from the drop-down list.
- If desired, you can upload your logo by clicking Browse and selecting an image from your computer.
- Enter your website URL e.g. https://typecreative.com.au
- Enter a link to your privacy policy e.g. https://typecreative.com.au/privacy-policy/
- Enter a link to your terms of service e.g. https://typecreative.com.au/terms-of-service/
- Under Authorized domains click Add Domain.
- Enter your website URL e.g. typecreative.com.au
- Under Developer contact information enter your email address e.g. hello@typecreative.com.au
- Click Save and Continue.
- Click Add or Remove Scopes.
- Select the check-boxes for the API scopes …/auth/userinfo.email, …/auth/userinfo.profile and openid.
- Click Save and Continue.
- Add a test user if you wish, then click Save and Continue.
- In the left-hand nav, click Credentials.
- Click +CREATE CREDENTIALS and select API key.
- Copy the API that is displayed in the popup window then click Close.
Copy an existing API
- Navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com/
- Ensure you have the desired project selected using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
- In the left-hand nav, click API’s & Services and select Credentials.
- Under API Keys, click the name of the API e.g. API key 1.
- Copy the API key from the API Key field.